Field of Dreams Game

In case anyone missed it - Field of Dreams is being made a reality tonight, kind of - no ghosts of MLB greats at this game (that we know of). The White Sox are hosting the Yankees in Dyersville, Iowa for one of their regular season games (and the first Major League game in Iowa) at the movie site for Field of Dreams. 

While the game isn’t being held at the exact field used in the movie, fans are a quarter mile walk away from it and will still get to indulge in the movie magic that is being brought to life. Fans will enter at the original Field of Dreams and make their way through the corn maze, to the MLB field being used for the game. While they’re going through, fans will hear audio from the movie to immerse them in the experience. Fans will also have the opportunity to take pictures with cutouts of some of each teams most popular players, as well as create their own Field of Dreams scenes by playing catch with their kids, or reenacting the voice beckoning “If you build it, he will come” from the cornfields.

Some other special touches put in place to add to the theme of the game are the manual scoreboard and the retro jerseys that each team will be wearing. All the work that’s been put into tonight’s game shows us how the game of baseball is more than baseball, it’s a game that brings people together and creates a community among it’s fans. Tonight’s game is more than a great matchup at a one-of-a-kind field - it’s an homage to Field of Dreams and all that it means to the fans who hold the movie so near to their hearts.


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