Happy New Year! (2022)

First and foremost: Happy New Year! This year for New Years I reflected back on 2021 and wrote a list of what I’d done, and a lot more happened than I remembered. Would highly recommend doing in addition to resolution/goal making for 2022.

2021 was a rollercoaster to say the least. I graduated college, did A LOT of gratitude journaling, and just accepted my first position that’s in my desired career field - among a bunch of other stuff.

In January I will be starting a seasonal position as a Marketing and Promotions assistant for Spring Training! I am beyond excited because it’s a taste of what I hope to do long-term in my career and should be really valuable experience.

Along with my professional growth, it’s been a big year for personal growth. I understand better that really and truly: everyone is on their own path and there is no right or wrong way to go about life. I always thought it was one perfectly planned step after the other, and while knowing your desired direction is helpful, a set-in-stone plan is not how the cookie that is adulthood crumbles.

As part of my looking forward for what’s to come in 2022 and goals I’m setting for myself I made a vision board! This is the fist time I’ve made one for myself digitally and it was really fun. I’ve made a few before from magazine cutouts but being able to pick exactly what pictures went in it rather than working with what I had made it more special and tailored to me which I liked.

I hope everyone has a fruitful 2022!

My 2022 Vision Board

